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Handbag Factory Tour standard

On a recent factory tour in China I was invited to visit a friend’s designer handbag factory.  Since I was formerly bag designer, I was  especially excited to have a look inside to see what was going on. The purse factory we toured was making medium priced leather and fabric bags for export to the USA and Europe. Purses and bags follow many of the same techniques found in shoemaking.  Material selection, cutting, processing and assembly processes are similar to footwear. One thing you will commonly see in a handbag factory is particular attention being paid to the edges of the material.  Every edge gets some type of finishing treatment.  A large portion of the factory was filled with racks of painted parts hanging to dry. You will not ...

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How Designer Handbags are Made standard

How Designer Handbags are Made As a shoe designer you may be called upon to work on many different soft goods projects.  My design career started with bag design, moved on to footwear design, and now I work in both fields every day. You will find that footwear and fashion handbags have a lot  in common. Many of the design and manufacturing aspects are the same. Footwear and designer handbag materials and constructions are very similar. While shoe patterns and handbag patterns are very different they do have many of the same processing requirements. When I saw the crew over at  FASHIONARY had put together new book on bag design, I could not resist adding it to my own design library. The book is titled BAG DESIGN, ...

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